The Autumnal Clarity of Mind

Every day my husband, Jeff, and I take a morning walk around a lake near our house. I love it because it is both an opportunity for me to observe nature and enjoy a parade of dogs -- and their owners. (Boulder is a haven for dog lovers-- and the variety can be quite astounding! -- BTW, did you know the 4 Vedas are symbolized as 4 dogs?)
Today I felt it -- the chill rolling down the foothills from the snow above. Yes, autumn (which in Boulder can also be winter). The cold air made me move faster, made my lungs work harder, mind open to the blue sky.
Patanjali described "atha" (the Now) as "the autumnal clarity of mind."
Autumnal as in the equinox. 12 hours of day = 12 hours of night. A point of perfect balance. As in the moment you notice the rich golden aspen leaves stark against the blue sky that reminds you of a free and full ocean -- and you sink in.
You only notice after the moment has passed that there was no thought in your mind. You know you weren't thinking anything because the first thing the mind says is -- "Oh, I wasn't thinking anything at all." It felt so sweet and clean.
You want to be back there with the mind expanding out across the prairie and the gravity of the open sky pulling you out even more.
This is when a "mantra" sung repetitively in the mind comes to our aid. Each breath in -- atha. Each breath out -- atha. Now and Now.
Until the mind drops off and one perfect, golden aspen leaf drifts back and forth.
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